So I've been thinking, school is just around the corner. How crazy is that? WOW! Where has the
Summer gone? It's here one minute, then gone the next. I remember growing up and the
Summer days seemed to last forever. Now that I'm older with kids of my own time just fly's by.

Summer has been the best
Summer by far! For the first time my children have truly enjoyed every minute of their
Summer. We have done so much the past few months to keep busy and create memories that will last a lifetime.

Here are the top few things my children said they enjoyed this
1. Going to the POOL
2. Trips to the PARK.
3. Wearing flip flops EVERYDAY!
4. Going out for ICE CREAM.
5. Hanging with FRIENDS.
6. The best week of V.B.S. (vacation bible school)!!!!!!!
Although I look forward to my favorite seasons of the year like Fall & Winter, I have enjoyed hanging out with my children this
Summer! It's the warm weather, lazy days out by the pool, and little stops to the ice cram shop that have made me feel like a kids all over again.

Now I'm off to take advantage of the last few weeks of
Summer with the "
BEST FAMILY" ever before a crazy 9 months of school starts! Carefree attitudes should linger for another couple of weeks giving us one last chance to enjoy all of our favorite Summer activities! I hope you all had a fabulous
Summer like us and enjoy these last few weeks.