Up coming class- Altered Clipboard
I've been scrap happy
Well,once again My Mind's Eye put a fabulous set of paper out. Don't you LOVE ,LOVE this "Ooh La La For Him Paper Line".The colors are so versatile it makes it that much sweeter to buy!
"A Girl can Dream"**layout**
A few weeks ago I blogged about this photo. Not knowing the paper from My Minds Eye would work out perfect for it! It just shows you they know their stuff. OK, well maybe it just happened to work out in my favor hehe. Anyways the line is "Abbey Road" Lucky Me Hello World. Such a sweet girly girl paper line.
Check it out!!!!
Halloween is around the corner...
so I've been working on a few things today with one of my favorite Halloween lines " Little Yellow Bicycle". The paper & embellishments are cute which makes it FUN to work with.
Hope you enjoy!
"Happy Birthday 2 you"
Peggy hard at work! Thanks Peggy the aprons looked great all nice & neat!
The night before the Birthday Bash (the set up).
Happiness is... Class kit taught by Gretchen McElveen. Love her!!!**********
Me at the Prima table. Oh, now this is Happiness! I think I should put this in my Happiness is album that Gretchen taught hehe!
"Teri & I" Together again Like the old days. It was so nice to be with old friends and new ones.
Everyone having a blast @ the Birthday Bash!
What a weekend I had!
It was so nice to meet new people, see the everyday customer & hang with great friends I have made along the way at Sweet Memories. To be in a room with so many people who share the same passion for scrapbooking is awesome!
I hope everyone had a great weekend! I know I sure did!!!!!
A Girl Can DREAM!
First Day of School!
The "DAY" has finally come!
I'm BACK from CHA!!!
I'm in love with these butterflies on this layout.
Can you say HELLO BABY! I'll take one of everything from this booth please. And I think our lovely store owner from SWEET MEMORIES SCRAPBOOKS did exactly that! lol.
Well I have to say one of my favorite moments this past week was finally meeting & talking to Jenni Bowlin. She is such a down to earth woman, and easy to talk to. She works her booth, makes her layouts, design it all. I have to say I finally found someone that inspires me in a whole new way.